

十大正规赌博平台大全图书馆2024年员工奖获得者是(前排左起):Sneha Susan Kallinkal, Lori Lysiak, Andrew Marshall, Deb Martin; (bottom row) Brett Spencer, 露丝·基钦·蒂尔曼, Leigh Tinik和Rankism解决方案实践社区的成员(前排是Jon Wallace), Teresa Slobuski; middle row Linda Sanchez, Jackie Dillon-Fast; bottom row Dawn Amsberry, Meg Massey). 


UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. 周四,十大正规赌博平台大全图书馆表彰了12名杰出的教职员工, April 11, 在500多名员工中. 十大正规赌博平台大全阿尔图纳分校的教职员工, Berks, Brandywine, Greater Allegheny, 大学公园和约克校区得到认可. Faye Chadwell, 大学图书馆和学术交流主任, 主持了一个颁奖典礼,延续了至少50年来表彰员工的传统.

Andrew Marshall首席图书管理员J. 克拉伦斯·凯利图书馆, 宾州州立大学大阿勒格尼分校, 获得玛格丽特·诺尔·斯潘格勒·奥利弗奖. This award, 以一位20岁的大学图书馆员工的名字命名, ,以表扬服务卓越及表现优异的大学图书馆职员.

Marshall began his employment with the Libraries 25 years ago in the circulation department at University Park and progressed through roles of increasing responsibility before moving to the Greater Allegheny campus. 除了担任图书馆教职员组织主席之外, 马歇尔积极参与大阿勒格尼的几个委员会, 校长领导团队和校园教务委员会. “安德鲁是个天生的图书管理员:好奇, innovative, curious, 谦逊幽默,一位支持者写道。. “他也是一个天生的领导者. 我很欣赏他能让周围的人放松下来的能力, his capacity to bring out the best in his peers and his unwavering interest in serving and improving our organization.”

Deb Martin图书馆事务助理李R. Glatfelter图书馆,宾州州立大学约克分校,以及 Leigh Tinik,分析和规划顾问,图书馆评估,获得了雪莉J. 戴维斯员工优秀奖. 以一位协助图书馆馆长和院长工作了40多年的前雇员的名字命名, 该奖项旨在表彰服务卓越的员工,他们创造了一个培育, 鼓励和激励工作场所,并在他们的领域展示卓越和专业精神.

马丁于2016年加入Glatfelter图书馆. 她的提名人形容她专注且灵活. “她总是愿意调整自己的时间表,以适应图书馆的需要, 无论是开门还是关门,还是周末工作,提名人写道. “她愿意加倍努力,确保图书馆服务的顺利运作.”

马丁为学生员工提供指导和支持, 帮助他们在各自的岗位上茁壮成长,鼓励他们的职业发展. “She has a keen eye for hard work and dedication and understands the importance of recognition and appreciation,提名者写道. “Her actions inspire others to create a work environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated for their contributions.”

Tinik在帮助图书馆研究人员满足他们的调查需求方面表现出了承诺和专业知识, 从方法支持到数据请求和分析. “Leigh帮助新研究人员成功地通过了内部审查委员会(IRB)的流程, 让他们相信IRB审查的障碍是可控的,提名她的人说.

除了她的日常职责, 她曾担任图书馆职员谘询委员会秘书及多个专责委员会的成员. “Leigh是你想要加入你的工作团队的人的缩影, as your neighbor, 或者作为一个家庭成员,在漫长的家庭聚会中插入乐趣和安静的恶作剧,” said a supporter. “她很机智, strategic, 富有同情心,务实,愿意帮助所有人,帮助每个人成功.”

露丝·基钦·蒂尔曼, Sally W. 卡林技术创新图书馆, 编目和元数据服务, 获大学图书馆奖, given to a member of the University Libraries holding an academic or staff appointment who has contributed significantly by his or her performance to the operations of the University Libraries. 

Tillman has made dramatic improvements to the Libraries catalog by implementing user-focused enhancements such as persistent URLs for catalog records and a seamless integration with the interlibrary loan system. “Her work has simplified patrons’ access to resources and markedly enhanced their overall experience with our catalog,提名者写道, 谁赞扬了她的合作精神和团队精神.

一位支持者指出,她致力于社会正义,她的出版物证明了这一点 涉及劳动公平和道德的项目. Tillman serves on the Libraries’ first-level promotion and tenure committee and chairs a Big Ten Academic Alliance interest group investigating a tool for use in analyzing library collections, 并曾在特设委员会和搜索委员会任职. “露丝的同情心、同理心和团队精神是她工作的核心,”这位支持者说.

Brett Spencer, 参考和指导馆员, Berks Thun Library, Penn State Berks, 获得多元化奖, which recognizes extraordinary commitment and/or contributions to enhancing the Libraries’ environment of mutual respect for differing backgrounds and points of view as well as those who have championed the causes of diversity and climate.

斯宾塞领导了在图恩图书馆创建感官空间的工作, designed to empower students to manage their sensory needs and preferences in order to optimize their well-being and create a study environment more conducive to learning and growth. 自闭症儿童的父母, Spencer is “passionate about creating a space for all students at the library” and “very sensitive to the needs of neurodivergent students who may have sensory needs,提名他的人说.

他还支持社会正义收藏的发展, 以促进人类平等的各种观点为特色的浏览专著集, freedom, 尊严和消除偏见. Spencer is active in the campus groups Antiracism Across the Curriculum and the Berks Social Justice Collaborative. 他也是图书馆多样性倡导社区的成员, 去年,他共同主持了无障碍小组.

Lori Lysiak,参考和指导馆员,罗伯特E. Eiche Library, Penn State Altoona, 获大学图书馆教学奖, which honors a faculty or staff member with a teaching component as part of their primary assignment who has excelled in teaching and/or created an exemplary and innovative instruction program with an emphasis on the past year.

Each year, Lysiak为创业本科辅修课程中的两门课程创建了嵌入式图书馆资源指南, 除了提供课堂教学. “Lori teaches students how to navigate the vast array of resources available (and) provides assignments requiring the use of the library database,课程指导老师说. 如果没有这种指导,学生们将很难获得适当的资源.”

Another faculty member praised the creative and interactive learning activities Lysiak brings to marketing classes at the campus, such as a card game that integrates artificial intelligence in a way that addresses its responsible use and subsequent citation. “She guides students through the concepts of (innovative technology use and) unveils the implications of artificial intelligence in ethical writing by providing best practices,那位教员说. “These skills are integral to students’ success as they navigate increasingly swift and significant advances in technology.”

The members of the 排名解决方案实践社区(RSCOP) 获合作/团队合作奖, given in recognition of a collaboration or team within the University Libraries that substantially benefited the Libraries or Penn State community.

RSCOP是一个由大学图书馆员工组成的基层点对点志愿者组织,强调包容, 共同的语言和理解. Their goal is to help create a good working climate for all Libraries employees by increasing the understanding of rankism and how it is detrimental to the Libraries’ goals and its employees’ well-being. 自2020年秋季成立以来, RSCOP一直在努力确定, 提高对图书馆内排名问题的认识,并提供解决办法. 该组织成功地倡导了语言的改变, worked to address challenges faced by part-time employees and collaborated with the Libraries’ Diversity Community of Advocacy to establish ground rules for meeting protocols and to develop and present a program on white privilege. RSCOP成员是Dawn Amsberry, 参考和指导馆员, Library Learning Services; Jackie Dillon-Fast, supervisor, Dr. Keiko Miwa Ross Global News Center; Teresa Slobuski, head librarian, 宾州州立大学白兰地酒; Meg Massey, manager, Interlibrary Loan; Jon Wallace, 图书馆服务专员, 蒙塔古法律图书馆, Penn State Law; and Linda Sanchez, 兼职图书馆专员, Berks Thun Library, Penn State Berks.

Sneha Susan Kallinkal, 图书馆支援人员, 宾州州立大学白兰地酒, received the Part-Time Employee Excellence Award honoring a colleague who typically works 24 hours or less each week but whose initiative, peer support and outstanding performance have contributed to a positive working environment that has made an impact on the Libraries, 同事或十大正规赌博平台大全社区.

Kallinkal因其积极的态度和愿意以任何必要的方式提供帮助而得到认可. “Sneha goes above and beyond to help the Brandywine Library and responds to correspondence received from other Penn State libraries in a timely fashion,她的提名人写道. 她帮助培训学生工人,并确保他们为轮班做好准备. Sneha是一个团队合作者,非常有条理.” Her other contributions include designing signage for library events and revitalizing the library’s social media presence, 这两件事都显示了她的创造力. 她的能力延伸到协助工作人员和图书馆员创造视觉上引人注目的材料, including posters, 我们活动的传单和社交媒体帖子,一位支持者写道。. “Beyond her role, Sneha在图书馆内营造安全和包容的环境方面发挥了关键作用.”

Selecting recipients of the 2024 Libraries awards from among nominees were members of the University Libraries Awards Committee: Andrew Dudash, 政治学图书管理员, 社会科学图书馆, chair; Alexandria Chisholm, 参考和指导馆员, Berks Thun Library, Penn State Berks; Rebekah Hill, 音乐和表演艺术图书管理员, 沃尔特和多丽丝·戈德斯坦音乐和媒体中心, George and Sherry Middlemas Arts and Humanities Library; Ally Laird, Open Publishing团队领导, Research Informatics and Publishing; Dan Peters, IT consultant, Strategic Technologies; Emily Reed, 参考和指导馆员, Madlyn L. Hanes Library, Penn State Harrisburg; Heather Ross, map specialist, Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information; and Scott Wagner, 兼职图书馆专员, Berks Thun Library, Penn State Berks.

有关大学图书馆奖的更多信息,请联系 Wendi Keeler at [email protected].